“All sorts of good fortune items may be purchased, but the main objects being sold are ‘kumade’ [熊手] – or good luck rakes made of bamboo – for ‘raking in wealth and good fortune’. Kiku frowned. “But if the rake is made out of bamboo, why does Boss Panda need help carrying it? It can’t weigh much!” Mama Kōjin smiled. “Well, firstly, they are decorated with a variety of items, which symbolise or invite good fortune, such as koban, which are old oval shaped gold coins, masks of otafuku, [阿多福] the goddess of mirth, used in Kyogen theatre, the seven lucky gods, red sea bream, cranes, turtles and other auspicious symbols. Depending on your preference, there can be quite a few things attached to the rake. But then there is the added tradition that each year you must buy a slightly bigger kumade than the one from the previous year, in order to have a bigger success. Even if you start with a modest sized rake, when you have been buying them for as many years as Boss Panda, they can get to be quite a size!”